Stay Hydrated in the Summer Heat


Did you know that thirst is a delayed symptom of dehydration? This means you must stay on top of consuming enough fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Adequate hydration is important for many reasons. Hydration is important for keeping joints lubricated, for transporting nutrients where they need to go in the body, for good digestion and removing waste, and for maintaining proper body temperature, just to name a few! In fact, every cell, tissue and organ in the body needs water to function properly. But for some people, drinking enough water to stay hydrated can seem like a chore. Here are tasty ways to encourage adequate fluid intake throughout the day.

  • Use a refillable water bottle with a straw top. An easy open top that doesn’t require two hands to remove (like a screw cap) will function more conveniently as you work at your desk throughout the day. Use a water bottle that you can operate with one hand, so if you’re on the phone, typing, or even driving, it is easy to take a sip!

  • Set reminders for refills and drinking. Set up an alarm on your watch, phone or computer to pop up every hour or with meals and snacks as a reminder to refill and drink fluids.

  • Find flavor! If water is too plain, there are many ways to liven it up. Add a splash of 100% fruit juice. Use frozen fruit like mangoes and berries instead of ice cubes, or freeze bite-size fruit into ice cube trays. Use a mesh fruit holder for slices of lime, orange or lemon. Slice some cucumber and pair with fresh mint. Or opt for naturally flavored seltzer water or chilled herbal tea blends. 

  • Make it fun with DIY pops. Fill Popsicle molds with unsweetened coconut water and small chunks of your favorite fruit. Pop them in the freezer to freeze for several hours then enjoy them as a hydrating treat when you need it!

  • Eat your fruits and vegetables! Produce such as tomatoes, watermelon, grapes, oranges and pineapple hydrate as well as nourish us!

  • Look to other foods for fluids too. Don’t forget that soup, yogurt and smoothies all provide hydration as well, allowing you to hydrate while you eat.

  • Up the fluids to replace sweat loss in hot weather and exercise. If you’re exercising for more than 45-60 minutes, you’ll need to replace electrolytes too. If you’re exercising for more than 60+ minutes, then you’ll want to replace fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrates too! It is good to know ahead of your workout what you’ll need to stay hydrated. There are many sports drinks to chose from for this situation, like Body Armor and Gatorade. Trial these out during training and long work outs in order to determine what your body will tolerate best since everyone is different!

  • Drink enough! We’ve all heard the “64 ounces per day” recommenation, but this is intended for the non-athletes and doesn’t take into consideration personal needs, environment, activity, body composition or apparel. When it comes to the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.

  • Choose the right fluids. While water is best, it is not the only fluid to drink. Milk (both dairy and non-dairy alternatives), 100% fruit juice, seltzer and unsweetened tea and coffee count as well. Skip the sugar-sweetened beverages and keep the caffeine to a minimum. Limit alcohol or skip altogether for optimal hydration status.

Keep in mind these tips for hydration so you can feel and function your best every day!


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